?> Strategic penetration system in the market for the tourism business sector

Global Advanced Research Journal of Management and Business Studies (GARJMBS) ISSN: 2315-5086
June 2017 Vol. 6(4), pp. 095-103
Copyright © 2017 Global Advanced Research Journals


Full Length Research Paper  

Strategic penetration system in the market for the tourism business sector 

Rodrigo Fernando Miranda López1, Elías David Caisa Yucailla2, Adolfo Ricardo Guamán Guevara3, Gabriel Arturo Pazmiño Solys4*,  Liliana Elizabeth González Garcés5 and Luz Maribel Vallejo Chávez6 

1Magister in Business Management MBA., Mention Financial Management. Business Engineer, Teacher Faculty of Administrative Sciences Technical University of Ambato. Technical University of Ambato - Ecuador.
2Master in Public Management, Commercial Engineer, Faculty of Administrative Sciences Technical University of Ambato. Technical University of Ambato - Ecuador.
3Magister in Technologies for Management and Teaching, Graduate in Tourism, mention in Eco Tourism, Teacher Faculty of Human Sciences Technical University of Ambato. Technical University of Ambato - Ecuador
4Doctor in Industrial Engineering, Master in Socio Productive Projects, Mechanical Engineer, Business Engineer. Lecturer at the Technical University of Ambato - Ecuador, Technical University of Ambato – Ecuador.
5Master's Degree in Business Administration Mention Planning, Accounting and Auditing Engineering CPA, Faculty of Administrative Sciences Faculty of the Technical University of Ambato - Ecuador.
6Master in Tourism and Hospitality Marketing, Master in University Teaching and Educational Research, Master in Formulation and Evaluation of Projects for Development, Engineer of Companies, Teacher of Polytechnic School of Chimborazo - Ecuador.

*Corresponding Author Email: ga.pazmino@uta.edu.ec, gapasrio@gmail.com 

Accepted 02 July, 2017


Tourism is a strategic sector for national development, especially for factors related to the generation of direct, indirect, permanent and seasonal jobs; The distribution of income among a larger number of inhabitants; The opportunities for economic diversification and complementarity to traditional activities are not always the case, because the benefits of this activity are not always reflected in the populations considered as tourist, since their inhabitants have to face this situation with a lot of imagination in order to survive. Handicrafts, typical foods or representations of rites and / or traditional customs that attract the attention of the visitor. The present research project has a qualitative approach by means of this we can make use of the observation and the survey as collection techniques, to obtain a better explanation of strategic systems and its incidence in the market penetration of the travel agencies, also We can find a quantitative approach because it seeks to determine aspects through the population sample, numerical data, analysis, among others. In addition, it is a synthetic analytical research that allows us to start from the analysis of the facts and their particularities and systematize into conclusions that allow us to propose a solution to the problem. We also applied the historical - historical method from the point of view that the information that is collected related to the potential customers is of time back and logical because this information will allow to make a projection to establish solutions. As a methodology, empirical methods were used based on observation and survey guides in order to identify the information regarding the needs of the company regarding the projection of its clients and managers, this questionnaire was applied to 66 clients of the company. Tourist Company Ortega Travels. The World Tourism Organization- OMT. 1999, adds that a tourism initiative will be sustainable if it allows maintaining the natural and cultural values ​​on which the balance of the community is based and which have remained in a situation of fluctuating equilibrium for long periods of time. As a result of the investigation, we can determine that external clients surveyed travel with a frequency of at least 1 time a year, usually with their family and choose the services by price, quality and type of plans, almost always travel for vacations or To visit their relatives and usually like to do it by plane and prefer to receive the information by mail or social networks

Keywords: Strategic system, market penetration, marketing, Tourism



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